About Me

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Austin, Texas, United States
I'll make you laugh, or break my neck trying. This is usually accomplished with daily bouts of swimming, biking and running. A former "chub-a-holic," I got fit and healthy the good old fashioned way and went from a mid-pack athlete to top age group runner and triathlete. I'm a Writer and USAT Level 1 Certified Triathlon Coach. I guess that makes me part Tina Fey and part Jillian Michaels. Visit my coaching site at www.fomotraining.com

Friday, June 12, 2009

Simple Gratitude...

Yesterday, I had a wave of nerves about the race...This morning, I had a rush of gratitude (maybe it was the extra sleep). I'm so very thankful that I get to do this race on June 21st. 

More than that, I'm thankful I get to share it with my best friend....The guy who asks, "Sympathy or Support?" when I'm being bitchy. He'll give me both if I need it. Hopefully, I won't need either on race day!

Let's do this hubster!!


bonita sarita said...

What a great team! Good luck and have a great time on the 21st.

Joe said...

The real couples tri is June 21st at CDA. Blakistones rule!

katyd said...

I love you!

triguyjt said...

you guys got a great thing going....


CoachLiz said...

You two are going to do spectacular. You have put in the miles and miles of training. You are ready physically. In one week from now at 5:24 pm CST you should be leaving T2 or already out on the run.

I will be following your progress next week!