About Me

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Austin, Texas, United States
I'll make you laugh, or break my neck trying. This is usually accomplished with daily bouts of swimming, biking and running. A former "chub-a-holic," I got fit and healthy the good old fashioned way and went from a mid-pack athlete to top age group runner and triathlete. I'm a Writer and USAT Level 1 Certified Triathlon Coach. I guess that makes me part Tina Fey and part Jillian Michaels. Visit my coaching site at www.fomotraining.com

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Week 7: Tues 10 Mile Pace Run/Bike Ride

I haven't lost my mojo! I haven't lost my mojo!!
I was beginning to worry a bit about my running. I feel like my injury set me back a bit and I hadn't really tested my speed workouts in a while. The last few long runs have been fairly slow and laborious. It's hard to tell wheather it's a case of overtraining or undertraining at this point. I just new I hadn't been performing with any pizazz lately. Tuesday morning was a redemption day.

Because we skipped Monday's Gazelle workout, Thon and I decided to meet on Tuesday morning for our 10-Mile Pace Run. We tried to recruit others, but were turned down!! We met a little after 6:00am and formulated our plan. Run the first two miles slow and the last 8 with progressive pace pickups. Thanks to his expertise, we did just that. It was dark as HELL for the first two miles, which is one reason why we were so slow. The other reason is that I was still waking up from a deep sleep. Damn, the alarm clock is early!!

19:31 2 mile warm up
42:39 1st 5 miles
36:03 2nd 5 miles

It turned out to be a beautiful day so I couldn't just go home and do nothing! I went for a 1 hour bike ride instead around the streets of Tarrytown. It wasn't much of a strategic workout, but it was time in the saddle, which I'm happy to get these days!

1 comment:

Paco said...

Awesome times. It looks like you took advantage of the cooler temps. I wish I would have waited and done the pace run with you all instead of sloshing on Monday.