About Me

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Austin, Texas, United States
I'll make you laugh, or break my neck trying. This is usually accomplished with daily bouts of swimming, biking and running. A former "chub-a-holic," I got fit and healthy the good old fashioned way and went from a mid-pack athlete to top age group runner and triathlete. I'm a Writer and USAT Level 1 Certified Triathlon Coach. I guess that makes me part Tina Fey and part Jillian Michaels. Visit my coaching site at www.fomotraining.com

Monday, May 01, 2006

I Can't Believe I Know this Guy!

Today was my first official day back with the Gazelles after a two-week break. There were so few people there today that I almost assumed I was on the wrong day! Lo and behold, I'm just catching the calm before the storm of Fall Marathon Training, which kicks off on June 3rd. My usual training partners have all assured me that they will be back to suffer through another summer of brutal morning workouts. I've verbally committed to the Dallas White Rock Marathon for a couple of reasons. #1) It's a weekend trip that involves NO airline travel and less stress. #2) It's apparently flat and fast, making for a good PR course. #3) Several of my Gazelle friends are doing it and I easily give into fitness peer pressure. Seriously, I'm not much in the mood for travelling to a big marathon this Fall having come off of Chicago (10/05), Boston (4/06) and the upcoming Maryland Half-IM(06/06). My employers support me, but also get a little antsy when I mention yet ANOTHER out of town race! Plus, I need to save some vacation days for NON-RACE activities as well :-)

We did a circuit workout today--the perfect way to ease back into training. 1.67 mile warmup run to Austin High Track...drills.. 3x 800s with core workouts in between each (sit ups, pushups, lunges, ssquats, etc). Because it was a short workout, I felt the need to push it a little harder...freakin' overachiever that I am. Instead of the short 1.67 mile cooldown back to Runtex, I opted to take the longer 2.30 mile route back. Total workout was around 6 miles with drills.

In any event, I was excited to be back with the Gazelles. The group has worked me harder than ever before, but as I stood looking at Gilbert this morning, I suddenly felt lucky to be one of his students. Just yesterday (as in less than 24 hours before), he had won the Oklahoma City Half-Marathon. He and his cousin crossed the line at the same time holding hands. This is also the week that his new book "This Voice in My Heart: A Genocide Survivor's Story of Escape, Faith and Forgiveness." is launched nationwide. He very modestly (but proudly) told us that out of the 9 cases of books he brought, he sold 8 cases. His life is about to get more hectic than he can imagine with book signings, Radio/TV appearances and speaking engagements around the country. gilbertsgazelles.com has a list He held up the newest "Runners World" magazine and it has excerpts and photos from his new book. The guy is in "Runners World" and yet, at 6am on a Monday morning in the parking lot of Runtex Austin, Texas, he is giving us encouragement and instruction. I can't believe I know this guy. Even better--he's my coach. I'm excited to attend his private Gazelle book signing this Thursday evening. In his words, "You'll love the book. It will make you cry, but you'll love it." Those are the words from the man who lived it.

Attached is an interview that briefly explains his story.

Please check out the Amazon.com link for more. Buy, Buy, Buy!!

1 comment:

TTUTri said...

Cool stuff! Man - I just caught up on your recent posts. Can you get any busier?!

Good luck with the swim class!