Imagine if you will...
Swimming: Michael Phelps
Biking: Lance Armstrong
Running: Ryan Hall
Swimming: Natalie Coughlin
Biking: Kristen Armstrong (no relation to Lance)
Running: Deena Kastor
Who would you pick???
I'm guessing it would be an epic battle for gold with the Australians, although I've never heard of a super fast Australian marathoner. This also might be one event where an American crosses the finish line ahead of a Kenyan in a marathon!! I'm guessing Phelps and Armstrong would sweep the first two legs of the race!
But wait.... isn't the Triathlon at the Olympics an Olympic distance race? You need a 10K sprint machine, not a marathoner, right?
I think your teams look great although you might want to substitute Armstrong with the guy who just beat him in Leadville.
THose are some rockin' teams!
Australia's Benita Johnson is kinda fast, but I don't think for Gold.
I'm going to sign up for the Jamaican team. I could swim and bike and Bolt could run fast enough to make up the difference! : )
Great team members!
I felt so bad for Deena and her foot during the marathon.
That would an awesome relay team! I can't think of my own I will take yours and be their agent....15% of endorsements please
maybe phelps can bike even better than he swims.....
how about a masters team--both sexes
dara torres swim
dave scott run
mark allen bike
Haha, never thought about an Ironman relay team, but why not? But are either Phelps or Coughlin any good at long distance open water swimming?
I vote for Dara Torres over Coughlin. She's so competitive, she'd get 'er done!
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