We didn't make national headlines, but Austin hotties "Skud and Sapp" also strutted our stuff across the finish line with a smile on our faces. No PRs were set, but a good time was had by all. The goal of this race was to have millions of people across the world running at the same time. Pretty cool concept, but 6:30pm on an August night in Texas is probably the WORST time to stage a 10k for 15,000 people! Put it this way, the famous dudes mentioned above weren't the only "hot" ones. Instead of collective cheers, I think I heard collective wheezing as people were attempting to chug up the hills. Not a pretty sight...
On Monday morning, I had the distinct pleasure of being a bike course volunteer at the Austin Olympic Triathlon. I wish I would've snapped a picture of my sexy self wearing the reflective safety vest and pointing my light saber in the direction of the upcoming sharp right hand turn. I thought I might have some regrets about not signing up, but it didn't happen. No regrets at all! In fact, it was fun walking up to the transition area with ZERO nerves...While the athletes were finishing their last minute bagel and gatorade consumption, I was sipping on coffee and a breakfast taco awaiting the course leaders to come screaming by. Congrats to all who finished this race under some hot conditions! I had a blast cheering for you both personally and anonymously. As usual, the T3ers had a great showing!

So while I may have sucked gas at swim yesterday, I hauled ass in Spin Class last night and in this morning's 10 mile pace run. Being off the bike for a week helped me mentally and physically. Coach Pain had us spinning like maniacs last night and it actually felt damn good (except for the part when I thought Little Miss Runner Pants was going to puke on me)!
I wasn't sure what to expect with my 10 mile pace run this morning, but I couldn't be happier with the execution. Amy and I decided to do this by ourselves today since we missed Monday's workout because of the triathlon. In regular fashion, our first 2 miles were pure warm-up (20:28). Over the last 8 miles, our goal was to average 7:40s or better overall. Amy was having a "do we have to?!" whiny moment, but I promptly shut it down with my "no excuses" pep talk (which I'm sure sounded more like a condescending lecture than a pep talk). In any event, we set off:
Mile 1: 8:07
Mile 2: 8:05 (slight panic that we were running too slow when it felt really fast)
Mile 3: 7:31
Mile 4: 7:15
Mile 5: 7:21
Mile 6: 7:28
Mile 7: 7:21
Mile 8: 7:07
Overall: 1:00:19
7:31 pace for 8 miles (and 66ft!)
That's what I'm talking about people! This is my 3rd marathon pace run and my fastest yet. Instead of feeling completely spent at the end, I still had some gas in the tank. A lot of it had to do with starting off at an easier pace and easing into the pace instead of trying to hit it immediately and hang on for dear life. I am just LOVING the run right now!!
Now--if I could just translate that into my swim stroke...
I did the Human Race too, it was fun. But I don't get it, ours was at 8:30am on Sunday morning. I thought it was supposed to be everyone running at the same time...ANyway, great shirt. Totally worth getting out of bed for the day after my long run, ugh.
love the pic, all my swim workouts are like that!
Gawd - that is a hot time of day in Texas in August to run a 10K!!
Awesome pace on the 10-miler...I am so jealous of your training run paces (and of course happy for you). You motivate me to work harder :D
I can see why you're loving the run. You're awesome at it! Totally jealous!
Are you saying those guys did the race in Austin?! How cool!!
And I know that ass-handed-to-you-on-a-plate feeling (it's great, ain't it ;-)
Terrifice 10-miler!!
here are my pics from the Human Race: http://picasaweb.google.com/beardsleyjill/NikeHumanRaceAkaMatthewLanceBenHarperAndLauraDern#
I volunteered at the front of the finish chute so I was able to see you still looking strong and hearing Evil announce your name! j
uh, me = speedster? I want some of what you're having!! awesome job on the run & bike... you are amazing. i'm so jealous of your ability to make it through spin without wanting to smash your bike. ;)
Wow.. sounds like the Human Race was a blast.... with famous ppl and even body-builders (there's a huge guy in the back of the pic of you and your friend) LOL
My friend did the race here in Chicago and it was followed with a great concert at Soldier Field with the Fall-out Boys
I love how your downtime after a hectiv week includes a Sunday evening 10K...LMAO! Man, what a hottie showing at that 10K. Smoking pace on the 10miler, Cady! Can I have some of that gas your sucking over there don't get all gas hoarding over there. LOL!
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