My legs always seem to have some degree of fatigue these days. Ummm...duh...I raced Sunday, ran 7 miles Monday morning and did core Monday night, swam and did the T3 indoor cycling class on Tuesday and it's already Wednesday and time for a speed session.
Because Chatty Carrie was in full effect this morning, I completely missed my group's start on the first repeat. I was just gabbing away with Jan when I suddenly realized that my pace group was halfway around the track. So much for a warm-up lap!! Aside from a few weak moments on the 6th and 7th repeats, all felt strong and smooth. I'd say I was working on an 8.5 scale out of 10 (full on effort). I don't wear a HR monitor so I have no idea how truly close to death I was :-)
The coolest part of this workout is hearing the cheers, clapping and shouts of encouragement from the other Gazelle pace groups that are out there. We all might run different speeds, but we're all there for the same reason--to get faster and to cheer and support each other as teammates. I love it!!
#1 3:16
#2 3:17
#3 3:22
#4 3:18
#5 3:21
#6 3:15
#7 3:16
#8 3:06 (droppin' the bomb at a 6:12 pace!)
Right on target so far in mid-July!
Many of you have also heard me talk about Jack and Adam's "Corture" class for a long time now. Corture is not the official name for it. It's the name I gave to it...torture for the core. I'm just sayin'. Well, I think I'm turning into a Corture Pimp because I've recruited two new suckers--oops, I mean--athletes to join me tonight. First is new Austin transplant Little Miss Runner Pants. I'm going to go ahead and apologize to her in advance if she never wants to be friends with me after tonight. The other person I've recruited is my co-worker Matt. Dude has dropped about 45 lbs in the last three months!! Damn him!!! How do guys do it?!?!!? I've already laid bets that he'll be doing his first triathlon by next summer. I'm slowly but surely sucking the resistance out of him. Actually, it's been great to witness his energy and self-esteem since losing the weight. He's excited about going to the gym and doesn't eat chocolate bars for lunch anymore. He also no longer blatantly ignores me when I talk incessantly about my training and racing. Progress my friends...progress, I tell ya!!
Oh--on a completely non-tri note (sorta), we've had a kitty coming to visit us on our back deck lately. I think our cat Brutus has a crush because he'll just sit on the couch and look outside waiting for the little gray kitty to show up. We named the little kitty "Tri" because...well...duh. Actually, he's missing half of one of his paws so we named him "Tripod" or "Tri" for short. Are we awful or what?! Well, the last few days I've been opening the deck door and Tri walks right in the house like he owns the place. I caught him today putting on a show for Brutus. Brutus was not pleased as you can tell by his face. I think I shot this photo right before the big HISS!
Just had to share the pic! Happiness...

Nice job on those Yassos - especially since you are supposed to run at a recovery pace for 3:20 inbetween the fast repeats. Sounds like you will make it to 10 repeats and once you do that you are golden for that 3:20 marathon.
YEAH!! Awesome job on the Yassos! Man, makes me wanna run fast too. Guess I'll just have to take it out on the pool ...
Funny about the cats!! are so fit! I'd be cursing even attempting to do them as fast as u!
So, what's this Core J&A stuff? Did u like it? I'll have to ck out their website.
Fun kitty pic!
I'm one of those weirdos that actually likes doing track workouts, including Yassos. (Although the beauty of being slow is that my repeats take much longer than your repeats...)
You are right on pace and kicking some tush with your training. Good for you.
Your courture sounds pretty intesting too.
Finally, who could resist Tri(pod). How cute!
Looks like he found a nice new family. (Even if you don't know it yet...)
Nice job on the speedwork! I love, love, love the pic. Just be careful, stray cats can give you cat all kinds of diseases if he's not up to date. The most worriesome being feline AIDS which is highly contagious via bodily fluids, like if they got in a tussle. You should just Tri his shots and keep him :)
Impressive to say the least. Not only as a single workout, but in context with everything else you have done lately. You have an awesome level of fitness right now!
Sweet 800s!!!
And I love the story and the pic of Tri the Cat...
you pretty much nailed all those intervals even though you are chatty carrie!!!
are you a big yasso fan?
Coreture? Sounds interesting.
Awesomely awesome 800’s! Chatty Carrie, hehehe that happens to me at track way too much. If I could run 800’s like I talk. Well you could say you knew me when....
It is so great to watch others change their life when you have already gon through it. I know you will have hime doing a tri next season no doubt. LOL!
Tripod, am I terrible that I LMAO?!
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