About Me

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Austin, Texas, United States
I'll make you laugh, or break my neck trying. This is usually accomplished with daily bouts of swimming, biking and running. A former "chub-a-holic," I got fit and healthy the good old fashioned way and went from a mid-pack athlete to top age group runner and triathlete. I'm a Writer and USAT Level 1 Certified Triathlon Coach. I guess that makes me part Tina Fey and part Jillian Michaels. Visit my coaching site at www.fomotraining.com

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Our Forefathers Would Be Proud

Thanks everyone for the comments and well-wishes! It's probably not great that I did an interview with "Get Your Geek On" and then disappear for a couple of days! Actually, Shawn and I are travelling this week and finding access to the internet isn't always easy or convenient. I was glad to read that Chis Legh (the winner and mega pro "gatorade commercial guy") also thought the race was tough.

We spent the last two days in Washington D.C. on foot and tour buses absorbing more US History than I ever thought possible. On top of that, Shawn went to High School in this area so I got the childhood home, high school, "this is where I had band practice" tour as well. We're both still on our respective highs from Eagleman. We love triathlon so much because you can push your body to the limits, exercise continously for up to 7 hours and still wake up the next day and feel "decent." Usually after a marathon, everything aches to the point of utter pain. You know what I'm talking about. Remember trying to walk downstairs? Post-race, the main pain I'm feeling is the horrible sunburn on my back where my jersey lines are and the chafing on my arms from my wetsuit. I didn't expect to be in the water for almost 50 minutes!! Ok--I admit, I'm also feeling a little saddle-soreness, but all in all, we both feel great.

It's also hilarious that every time we pass a body of water and park, we comment that it would be the perfect Swim and Transition Area!! Yep, we're a little obsessed at the moment, but enjoying every second.

Right now, I'm catching up at the Public Library in Charlottesville, VA. This is the home of UVa and also many more historical homes of Presidents. We're going to hit Monticello, Montpelier, walk around UVA campus (yes, Shawn went to school here for a few years) and hit some wineries. It's raining now, but we actually hope to get a nice slow jog in this afternoon!
Back to Austin and reality on Sunday...

Will check back when I can. Thanks for checking in and I still promise to post some photos and a full race report soon. Probably when I get back to town...

For those getting ready for Buffalo Springs, my best advice is pace youself on the bike. There are plenty of flat areas when you want to pick up speed, but save your legs for the climbs and the brutal run. As a recall (it's been a couple of years), there are 3 major climbs on the run and the rest is unshaded and HOT!! It sucks the energy right out of you. Just conserve what you can for the run...I plan to avenge that course someday since I ended up flatting 4 times!!

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